Goldie is a mother’s lifestyle brand rooted in the daily rituals between mothers and our little ones, with timeless essentials designed to make you feel your best while you do everything you can to make your kids feel their best. And though our parenting styles, culture, food and fashion sensibilities may differ, we as mothers share one universal ideal—their joy, is our joy.

These are the days to soak in every last giggle, tear, hug, meal and precious minute, for we will inevitably blink, but the memories we'll keep forever golden.

Two overlapping Polaroid images of goldie founder's Joni Hargrave and Christiane Armstrong playing with their children. One in the kitchen and on at the beach.

Our Story

As moms and BFFs who found ourselves in the trenches of motherhood, we created Goldie bonding over a shared range of emotions experienced on the daily—the highs, the lows, the silence we long for, the noise we couldn't live without, the peace and the chaos. And while recognizing that there certainly is a messy side of motherhood, we as moms share a common thread, and that is, their joy is our joy. 

Added bonus? The littlest details can make us feel elevated even in the most mundane moments of motherhood. That's why, we've made it our mission to design products that make moms feel their best while they do everything they can to make their kids feel their best. 

These are the days our hearts will one day ache for because they are magic and far too fleeting. To our boys and to your own... May your days be filled with joy, and memories forever golden.


Golden Girls

The heartbeat of our brand, our Golden Girls are all the moms of the world that dedicate their lives to making moments (tall or small) meaningful for their little ones. We dive into their diverse styles of motherhood, from home interiors and fashion sensibilities, to rituals and rooted traditions, the places they play and of course, the snacks they carry.